Pastor Lector univ. dr. Ioan Brie President of ITPB Member of the Church Council of Pentecostal Church in Romania. Courses: New Testament Theology, Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit, Christology and Christian discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. Research interests: Theology of the Gospels, Christology of the New Testament, Moral theology. Pastor of „Emanuel” Pentecostal Church in Sibiu He is married to Laura. For CV and list of published works, see here and here. |
Pastor Lector univ. dr. Ioan Szasz Prorector of ITPB Courses: Theology of pastoral ministry, Spiritual formation of the Christian minister, Missionary and missionary formation, Church music. Research interests: Practical theology and the theology of pastoral ministry. Pastor of Romanian Christian Fellowship Church, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada He is married to Mihaela and has three children: Iulia, Natalia and Sophia. For CV and list of published works, see here. |
Lector univ. dr. Vasile Romulus Ganea Dean of Pentecostal Theological Faculty of ITPB Courses: Hebrew, Bible History, Ethics and Academic Integrity. Research interests: Bible history (the context of the Old and the New Testament; the context of the intertestamental era); biblical archeology; the study of the OT cultural mentalities; Judaism of the Second Temple era; the study of the literary and spiritual connections between the New Testament and rabbinic literature; the history of early Christianity (sec . I-IV AD). Two other areas of interest are the history and theology of anabaptism (under its different traditions) and the history and ideology of neo-Marxism (cultural Marxism): identifying the influence of neo-Marxism on contemporary society, as well as the response that the Church of Christ must give to it. He is married to Emanuela and has three children. For CV and list of published works, see here. |
Pastor Prof. univ. dr. habil. Ciprian Flavius Terinte Courses: The Study of New Testament, Biblical principles of Christian leadership. Research interests: Biblical and contemporary ecclesiology; new trends in the communication of the biblical truth. Pastor of „Vestea Bună” Pentecostal Church in Bucureşti He is married to Andreea and has a child: Iosif-Flavius. For CV and list of published works, see here and here. |
Prof. univ. dr. habil. Silviu Tatu Courses: Theology of the Old Testament, Social justice in prophetic writings, Major theological themes in the Old Testament, Choice, redemption and identity in the life of God’s people. Research interests: Hebrew, in the context of modern linguistic approaches, Old Testament exegesis, the narratives about the patriarchs, the Psalms literature, the prophetic literature. Presbyter of „Betel” Church, Sibiu – Union of Christian Churches according to the Gospel He is married to Cornelia and has three children. For CV and list of published works, see here and here. |
Conf. univ. dr. Emanuel Conţac Library Manager Courses: Greek, Communion and conflict in 1 Corinthians. Research interests: The history of the Bible translation into Romanian; theological conditioning of the NT translations into Romanian; the problems of NT translations; NT textual criticism. The last book published: Dilemele fidelității. Condiționări culturale și teologice în traducerea Noului Testament, Oradea, Ratio et Revelatio, 2023. For CV and list of published works, see here and here. |
Conf. univ. dr. Ciprian Bălăban Head of Department of Pastoral Pentecostal Theology Courses: History of the Universal Church, History of the Pentecostal Christian Church, History and philosophy of religions, History of the relationship between church and state. Research interests: The history and the teachings of the Pentecostal Romanian Church of God. He is married to Flori and has three children. For CV and list of published works, see here. |
Pastor Lector univ. dr. Eugen Jugaru President of the ITPB Senate President of the Pentecostal Regional Community of Brasov. Courses: Pentecostal systematic and dogmatic theology, Church social mission, Pentecostal spirituality, Labor theology. Research interests: History of theology and The theology of the Pentecostal Church. Pastor of „Emanuel” Pentecostal Church in Codlea He is married to Daniela and has three children: Teodora, Laura şi Cristian. For CV and list of published works, see here and here. |
Pastor Lector univ. dr. Neamţu Victor Vladimir Courses: Theology of the Johannine Literature, The Theology of the General Epistles, Major theological themes in the New Testament, Advanced Exegesis of the New Testament. Research interests: Pauline theology; Christ’s ethics in the texts of the evangelists; The presence of the Church in society as an agent of the divine truth, will and revelation. Pastor of „Buna Vestire” Pentecostal Church in Aiud. He is married to Ana and has a child. For CV and list of published works, see here. |
Prez. Lector univ.dr. Dragoș Ștefănică Courses: History of the Christian thought, Apologetics, Comparative theology, Evangelical Theology, Introduction to Theology, Romanian, English. Research interests: history of the Christian thought, Systematic Theology, Dogmatic Pentecostal Theology; biblical philology. Prezbiter in „Vestea Bună” Pentecostal Church, Bucharest. He is married to Andreea and has a child: David-Tudor. Presbyter of „Vestea Bună”, Pentecostal Church, Bucharest. He is married to Andreea and has two children: David-Tudor and Iunia-Evelina. For CV and list of published works, see here and here. |
Deac. Lector univ. dr. Dumitru Piscuc Courses: Study of the New Testament I, Study of the New Testament II, Theology of the New Testament, Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit, Theology of John’s Literature, Theology of General Epistles. Deacon in ”Vestea Bună” Pentecostal Church, Bucharest He is married to Laura and has two children: Julia and Sara. For CV and list of published works, see here. |
Lector univ. dr. Radu Țîrle Courses: Spiritual Counseling, Family Theology, Christian Ethics and the Common Good, Pentecostal Theology and Politics. Research interests: The dynamics of family relationships; contemporary challenges of youth; psychology of religion; counseling services; economic and political ethics. He is married to Dana and has two children. For CV and list of published works, see here. |