Disciplines Master Degree (TPA)

1 st Year of Study

1st Semester Credits
Major theological themes in the Old Testament 7
Major theological themes in the New Testament 7
Ethics and academic integrity 2
Christian counseling (1) 7
The church ministry in a multicultural context (1) (7)
Political correctness and cultural Marxism 7
Small groups ministry (7)
Total 30


2nd Semester Credits
Christian discipleship and mentoring 6
Interpersonal Communication 7
Internship 3
Christian counseling (2) 7
The church ministry in a multicultural context (2) (7)
Youth pastoral ministry in a contemporary age  7
Pastoral ministry,  spiritual development and mission in contemporary age (7)
Internship 3
Total                    30 +3

2nd Year of Study

1st Semester Credits
Contemporary theological challenges 8
Family Theology 8
Theology of Suffering and Healing 7
The theology and the practice of church worship (7)
Communion and conflict in 1 Corinthians 7
Work ethics and theology (7)
Total 30


2nd Semester Credits
Biblical principles for Christian leadership 7
Social justice and Holy Scripture 8
Writing the master’s dissertation 5
Mission, vision and strategic church planning 5
The Holy Spirit in the Church mission – the biblical theology of church planting and leading (5)
Ethical challenges in contemporary context 5
The Church – State Relationship (5)
Internship 3
Total     30 + 3

For study plan click here and  here
