
ITPB’s campus consists of buildings and land available to the ITPB learning community as place where all processes of education and research take place, where living and study spaces are provided, and where other activities of cultural and recreational nature are carried out. Also, in the Campus are included facilities for administration offices. ITPB’s Campus constitutes an inviolable space.
The entire activity of the Faculty of Theology that operates within ITPB takes place within ITPB’s Campus. Being located in a quieter area of the town, the campus offers a relaxing, comfortable atmosphere, suitable to its educational purposes.

Optimally, ITPB’s campus consists of three interconnected buildings: A – the learning centre; B – the dinning area; C – the student dorm.

In building A, reserved for educational activities, there are classrooms, an amphitheatre, the library, study areas, counselling office, the pastoral office, the Plērōma Journal office, the council room, the faculty room, and the administrative offices of the president, the secretary, the business manager and administration, the PR department and the cashier.

Building B is reserved for the kitchen and the dining area. Here are offered two meals per day for faculty and students. The dinning area is spacious and offers optimal, hygienic conditions.

Building C is the dorm space for students and faculty. It has three floors and hosts up to 100 students. Each room is properly furnished to host 3 or 4 students and includes a bathroom.
The ITPB Campus includes recreational spaces as well.
