Pastor Lector univ. dr. Victor Vladimir Neamțu – President
Prezbiter Lector univ. dr. Dragoș Ștefănică
Diacon Lector univ. dr. Dumitru Piscuc
Pastor Emil Meștereagă – Representative of the employees
Pantea Matei – Gabriel – student
The university is accredited by the Law no 194 from october 21, 2008.
B-dul Uverturii, Nr. 210-220
Sector 6, 060946, Bucureşti
Pastor Lector univ. dr. Victor Vladimir Neamțu – President
Prezbiter Lector univ. dr. Dragoș Ștefănică
Diacon Lector univ. dr. Dumitru Piscuc
Pastor Emil Meștereagă – Representative of the employees
Pantea Matei – Gabriel – student