ITPB Development Strategy for 2012-2016

The institutional Strategic Development Plan is the principal reference in the development and fundamentation of decisions pertaining to the operation of ITPB, as follows: (1) it states the objectives and describes the process through which these will be meet; (2) it defines the context within which ITPB operates; (3) it describes the services ITPB brings to the Pentecostal Christian Denomination – the Apostolic Church of God from Romania and to the local Pentecostal communities.
ITPB’s strategy is defined in order to ensure the optimal operation of the three significant areas of activity of the institution: (1) education (teaching and learning); (2) scientific research, consultancy and expertise; and (3) institutional involvement in the ecclesial, social and cultural life of Romania. In particular, the last area of activity refers to the perceived mission of ITPB to disseminate Christian biblical teachings in Romania and the European Union.
The priority for the period 2012-2016 has been defined in terms of developing ITPB further to become an institution of higher education, evaluated as a high-credibility university, recognized nationally and internationally. This objective is pursued through designing, adopting and implementing clearly defined strategies, as formulated in the ITPB’s Strategic Development Plan for 2016-2020.

ITPB Strategic Development Plan can be downloaded here
