Course Catalogue

Welcome to ITPB’s Course Catalogue

The Course Catalogue provides a description of the degree programme offered at ITPB and of all the courses taught within it. For all other information about ITPB and student life, please visit the relevant parts of our website.

Degree Programme and specialization

The Degree Programme in Pentecostal Pastoral Theology and the school which delivers it – the Faculty of Pentecostal Theology – have been legalised and accredited via legal decree No. 194 from 21 October 2008, as published in MONITORUL OFFICIAL AL ROMÂNIEI, Part I, Year 176 (XX) – No. 724, Friday, 24 October, 2008.
Articles 2 and 3 of said decree specify:
Article 2 – Within Institutul Teologic Penticostal from Bucharest, Romania, are established and accredited the following faculty and degree programme: Facultatea de Teologie Penticostală, delivering a programme in Pentecostal Pastoral Theology, delivered in Romanian.
Article 3 – Within the structure of Institutul Teologic Penticostal from Bucharest, Romania, can be included faculties and degree programs, other than those specified in Article 2, as accredited and authorized to function by governmental decree, and as regulated under the law.
For the current structure of ITPB see the governmental decree H.G. 749 from 24 June 2009, and the addendum to this from 12 October 2009. A PDF version of these documents can be viewed here and here.

ITPB offers a first cycle degree (Bologna), with a specialization in Pentecostal Pastoral Theology. The characteristics of this degree programme, seen in the context of the specialization it provides, are:
– Pastoral Theology is a complex educational field which combines such particularities as communication, spiritual formation and counseling, and organizational management.
– Pastoral Theology is both an academic and a professional educational programme, for on the one hand it emphasizes the study of theoretical disciplines pertaining to pastoral work and on the other hand it aims at moving from theory to practice so that ethical and professional standards, together with professional skills and competence, are acquired.
– Pastoral Theology is an interdisciplinary field of study. It includes the study of the Bible and of other Christian documents, the development of communication skills and the understanding of human relationships. As such, the theologian is an intellectual by formation, a good communicator and a spiritual mentor by vocation. Pastoral Theology also includes the study of such areas as philosophy, psychology, ethics and sociology. By these we aim to develop a comprehensive knowledge of society and of our role, as Christians, in it.
Having all these in mind, the degree programme in Pentecostal Pastoral Theology functions according to the following principles:
– The curriculum includes various courses from areas such as: Biblical Studies, Communication, Spirituality, Counseling and Organizational Management. As such the student will acquire the necessary skills for good practice as Church minister.
– The curriculum offers students opportunities to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to specific contexts in the undertaking of practical ministry activities. This will offer both a context for professional development and an opportunity for reflection on what the values of good practice are.
– The curriculum will necessarily include courses that are relevant to the study and practice of pastoral ministry, such as: sociology, psychology, philosophy and ethics.

In light of the above, the mission of ITPB is to train and educate those who are serving in the Cultul Creștin Penticostal (ministers, teachers of religion, chaplains) according to the doctrine and the statute of Cultul Creștin Penticostal from Romania. In addition, we aim to make known Christian Pentecostal doctrines and moral values within the Romanian context, to encourage an ethos of openness, acceptance and religious freedom, and to support the development of Romanian spirituality and culture.

In order to achieve the above objectives, ITPB aims to incorporate in its educational practice up-to-date methodologies and information and communication technologies, to emphasize the practical dimension of the specialization in Pastoral Pentecostal Theology while providing also a strong theoretical basis, to provide a study environment that stimulates learning, to seek connections and partnerships with institutions and organizations of similar profile, with the purpose of improving the process of learning and the quality of education provided.

Objectives of the study programme “Pentecostal Pastoral Theology”

In light of the mission statement provided above, the study programme in The The programme in Pentecostal Pastoral Theology has the following objectives:
– To train and educate high quality ministers to serve as pastors. We aim that our graduates will be able to understand and address critically and objectively issues pertaining to pastoral work and to find the best solutions to specific problems pertaining to pastoral practice.
– To address intelligently new social realities and the specifics of contemporary pastoral ministry.
– To help students acquire specific skills and abilities leading to professionalism and pastoral ability.
– To help students acquire the necessary knowledge and abilities to preach, counsel, provide spiritual support and manage the church as necessary.
– To challenge students intellectually and to increase their self-esteem and motivation towards undertaking pastoral ministry upon completion of studies.

The specialization in Pentecostal Pastoral Theology includes in equal measure theoretical courses, designed to provide a good conceptual basis in the formation of students and practical tasks designed to develop their ministry skills. In this way ITPB ensures that graduating students combine a solid theoretical knowledge with competencies and abilities for ministry, therefore fulfilling the mission of the institution to educate and prepare pastors to serve effectively Pentecostal communities in Romania and abroad.

Educational Plan

The educational process in ITPB is designed and implemented as stipulated in the Legal Act no. 84/1995, re-issued and expanded through Legal Act no. 288/2004. The organization of the curriculum, including the implementation of the ECTS system in ITPB is regulated by Governmental Decree no. 88/2005. As such, ITPB ensures the transferability of the credits taken as well as the issue of the necessary evidences for the academic work students perform. Given these, and as regulated under the Bologna reform of higher education, students must complete 30 ECTS per semester when studying full-time and must complete a minimum of 240 ECTS in order to qualify for a first cycle certificate with the specialization in Pentecostal Pastoral Theology.

Courses – general Information

The courses are listed by years of study, according to approved educational curricula for the year 2012-2013.

To view the information available regarding any course, please press Res for the syllabus for the course as delivered in the Residential programme and NRes for the syllabus for the course as delivered non-residentially. Please note that for the academic year 2012-2013 non-residential study is available only for the first three years of study.
